Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My student's are getting ready to tackle the fun unit on percents, fractions and decimals . In an effort to "keep it real", I download a popular restaurant menu, print enough for the entire class, have the students order an appetizer, entree, drink and dessert. They have to keep their meal close to $30 and compute tax and tip rate based on our locality. I have full participation on this activity as many of my students haven't been to a restaurant whre they can order off a menu.


  1. What a great way to show the real world connection! Thanks!

  2. I have done this as well. It always amazes me how they don't know how to leave a tip. I like this activity because it makes our students better citizens and better math students.

  3. When you asked your students to work on this activity, did you allow them to use a calculator? I found that most of my students understand the concept of percents, fractions, and decimals, but they always struggle with doing the calculations without a calculator. If anyone has any strategies to help students with non-calculator calculations other than drilling, please let me know!

  4. I have done a similar activity with SOL 7.4. Students were grouped in 3's or 4's and had to make selections from the appetizer menu. I combined this with the think pad. They had boxes for items purchased, total, tax, tip, etc. Calculators are not allowed for this SOL.
