Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Factors or Multiples??

Each year, I find that my sixth grade students have great difficulty distinguishing between factors and multiples. A colleague of mine shared an idea that I love!! She suggested telling the students that there are only a few factors but there are millions of multiples! I always find myself stuttering the words ffffew ffffactors and mmmmillions of mmmmultiples!! It is amazing how reciting this has helped so many of them remember the difference!


  1. Thank you for the idea. I will try this in my remediation sessions with my 8th graders. I will also apply this idea to other concepts in all of my classes.

  2. This is great! I find my students struggle as well and your suggestion may help a lot. Thank you!

  3. I try to remind my students that when they hear the word multiple to think of multiply. Multiples are like the times tables.

  4. In addition to using this method with my students, I also exaggerate the way I say the words multiples and factors. When I say "multiples" I stretch the word out so it takes a long time to say it. Then when I say "factors" I say it very quickly. This will help them to remember that multiples go on forever and factors are very limited.
