Monday, December 7, 2009

Word Problems

Word problems are a constant struggle for my students. I have searched for different ways for students to interact and conquer this skill. I found a wonderful activity that our math coach shared with us called "Silent Pass." In this activity there are 6-8 problems that you place on the back of numbered note cards. Students are asked to divide a paper into 8 sections (by folding). They are then asked to solve each problem in the corresponding box. When they are done with one problem they hold the card up and silently pass it to another student and obtain another card to solve the next problem. This continues until they have answered all 8 problems. I was very impressed with the number of students who were actively involved all the students were. Even those who normally find it out difficult to participate or refuse to do the work assigned.
This activity can be modified to accommodate any level and any subject involving problem solving.


  1. My students love the chance to "switch" stuff around. Sometimes I have them leave the card or problem at their seats and then they switch to another place in the room. Anything that gets them moving helps their brains stay focused.

  2. I have also had students work together to form their own word problems. Then the groups can pass them around the room. They really seem to like solving problems their classmates have created.

  3. I use a similar strategy, however I teach my students how to use the word SOLVE to decipher the word prolem. S- study the problem, O- organize the most important facts needed, L- line up the facts, V-verify the steps that you are using and actually solve the problem, and E- examine the answer you got to see if that is what you want. This method helps students to really pull a word problem apart and see the best way to solve it.
