Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Great Circle Hunt

Sixth Graders need to be able to calculate circumference and area of a circle when given either the radius, diameter or circumference. I do a "circle hunt" activity to help them calculate these. I have taken about 30 "circles" (paper plates) and labeled them with either a diameter, a radius, or a circumference. I also have placed a number on the back of each circle. The students all receive a circle hunt paper with different plates that they have to locate. Their papers have radii, diameters and circumferences listed on them. The object is for a student to find a circle and calculate the two measures that are not given. For example, a radius plate would need the diameter and circumference calculated and a circumference plate would need the radius and diameter calculated. Therefore, the students can't just pick up a plate and find a match, they have to actually apply the formulas and show their work. Each student has to make 10 matches. Typically, they have to check and calculate more than just 10 out of 30, so it gives them a lot of practice.

Our school has an enclosed courtyard, so when it's nice outside, I scatter the plates across the courtyard for an added element of difficulty. The kids really like it and they seem to get a lot from it.

I have two different circle hunt activities one for circumference, radius and diameter, and then another one for area. I also have several different versions of each sheet, so the students aren't all looking for the exact same 10 plates. If you're interested in this activity, I can email you the activity sheets. You're on your own with the plates though!


  1. Sounds like a great Spring activity! I would love a copy of the activity sheets!

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. This will be an activity I will use during review time on a nice spring day. Thank goodness for paper plates! Seems we use them for all kinds of math activities!

  3. Our school made a big celebration of Pi day this year. This would have been a great activity. I would also like a copy of the sheets. I would like to try it next year. Thanks

  4. WHat a neat idea. I would also like a copy of the sheets. We, too, do a big Pi day celebration each year and this would be great new activity to do.

  5. I love it! Ditto on the Pi Day usage. How creative. Please share:

  6. This sounds like a great idea. Could I get a copy of the sheets also. Thanks!
