We are getting ready to start our first unit on fractions. I absolutely love the colored transparencies for multiplying fractions. I am running into a problem because of the limited amount of these. I am looking for ideas because extra kits cost $14. The AIMS books have a non color version, but the color is more "impressive."
I have created a SMARTboard activity that includes this and trying to get the colors just right so we can show the colors as a whole group. This will enhance their learning in whole group, but I'm afraid that group work will not workout so well.
I am looking for any help with these ideas. Also, any other ideas to getting the students engaged and REMEMBERING the fractions would be appreciated as well. :)
I also love the colored transparencies for multiplying fractions! In order to make more, I will copy the Fraction Squares templates from pages 145 & 146 in the AIMS Actions With Fractions book onto overheads. Then use colored permanent sharpie markers to make them pretty and fun. Cut them out and there you go!
ReplyDeleteI like the smartboard idea. If you could forward the lesson or post it, that would be great. I also like Tara Booth's comment about using the transparencies.
ReplyDeleteI would also like you to forward the smartboard activity to me. We're getting ready to start multiplying fractions